I have had a number of interviews and other editorial pieces about me which is very humbling.
Interviews have covered a wide range of topics such as leadership, diversity, gender empowerment, gender diversity, race diversity, social mobility, my personal leadership journey in law, influential leadership, resilient leadership, motherhood - the list goes on and on!
Listed below are some examples with links:
- BBC website: 'I altered my personality to fit in at work' - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-54388703
- BBC website: 'My African name stopped me getting job opportunities' - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51371670
- Guardian UK piece - Meet the women fighting gender bias in law - https://www.theguardian.com/law/2017/jul/12/meet-the-women-fighting-gender-bias-in-law
- Law Society Gazette interview: https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/people/funke-abimbola/5055925.article : covers leadership both as a general counsel and generally, diversity, life sciences, motherhood and supporting school children
- Guardian Nigeria profile piece: https://guardian.ng/guardian-woman/funke-abimbola-profile-of-an-achiever/ : covers diversity, giving back, leadership, juggling motherhood with my legal career, school children and volunteering
- Above the law interview: http://abovethelaw.com/2016/10/roche-gc-and-point-of-light-recipient-funke-abimbola-once-struggled-to-get-her-foot-in-the-door-of-the-legal-profession/: covers diversity, Point of Light award for my voluntary work, leadership, being general counsel, role models, mentoring and volunteering
- Interview for Halebury: http://www.halebury.com/halebury-events/the-in-house-experience-interview-with-funke-abimbola-general-counsel-company-secretary-roche : covers leadership, diversity, role of general counsel, the in-house experience, role models and my use of Google Hangout
- Interview for The Fold Woman: http://thefoldlondon.com/the-fold-woman-funke-abimbola/ : covers leadership, diversity, giving back, volunteering, being general counsel, motherhood, levelling the playing field
- Interview for First Woman: http://firstwomen.co.uk/2017/01/20/funke-abimbola-diversity-business-legal-profession/ : covers leadership, diversity, influence, Point of Light award, women leaders, mentoring and role models
- Interview for The Voice: 'My son is my greatest triumph' - https://archive.voice-online.co.uk/article/%E2%80%98my-son-my-greatest-triumph%E2%80%99
I can be contacted through my personal assistant, Sarah, at the email address below.
However, please be aware that due to the high volume of messages received, Sarah is unable to respond to all messages.
A lack of response is not intended to cause any offence.
If you do not receive a response from my PA within 48 hours, please assume that I am unable to assist with your enquiry.